Gracias por ser mi Amigo (Thanks for being my Friend)


Coming Soon.

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Yael finds a friend in José Luis, the most rebellious, irresponsible and aggressive guy in the class.

Yael, kind and innocent, seeks to fit in with his new group of high school students. He targets José Luis, the most rebellious and aggressive of all. Although Jos é Luis rejects him constantly, Yael discovers in him a boy with a big heart and decides not to give up until he gets his friendship. Very soon José Luis will realize that Yael’s arrival at his school will mark his life forever.

Year: 2018
Director(s): José Gerardo
Starring: Tomás Goros, José Luis Velázquez, Irene Miranda, Alejandra Villalva
Runtime (minutes): 100
Rating: Not rated.
Language: Language
Country(s): Mexico
Subtitle(s): English
Color: Color
Writer(s): José Gerardo
Editor(s): José Gerardo
Producer(s): Diego Milán Peniche

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