Shells of Men


Presented by: johnbproductions Categories: , ,


How do you move forward in a world without direction? “S.O.M.” chooses to live his life in a tunnel, moment by moment, purpose for him is getting to that light at the end and on to the next one. When he enters a tunnel of crime, danger, and vice within the dark shadows of a city- will he be able to find the light?

“Shells of Men” is the first feature film from John B. Mangiapane Jr. and features a complete cast of first time actors. Not everything may appear what it seems, as the movie subtly weaves timelines and narrative structure resulting in a clue-filled, complex puzzle representative of the cyclical world that the characters exist.

Year: 2021
Director(s): John B. Mangiapane Jr.
Starring: John Michael Waters, Gina Mangiapane, John Mangiapane, Alvera Mangiapane, Stefano Brunetto, Giancarlo Brunetto, Spencer Brunetto, Giuseppe Brunetto, Jordan Satler, John B. Mangiapane Jr.
Runtime (minutes): 116
Rating: Not rated.
Language: English, Spanish, Sicilian
Country(s): USA
Color: Color
Writer(s): John B. Mangiapane Jr.
Editor(s): John B. Mangiapane Jr.
Cinematographer(s): John B. Mangiapane Jr.
Producer(s): John B. Mangiapane Jr.

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